Line extension contractor for Colorado and New Mexico from 2005 to present. Completed numerous fiber optic and copper cable

Completed several 100+ mile projects including copper and fiber upgrades in both rural and city FTTP projects.

Completed 17 mile underground duct system from Foresthill CA to Auburn CA in the driving lane of a main

Successfully completed projects ranging from FTTP in Big Sky MT to fiber and copper upgrades throughout all of Montana.


Completed both fiber and copper projects via aerial and buried methods in Colorado and Washington.

Completed 60 miles of FOC mainlin construction in Elsie Bushnell and Dix NE.

Completed city FTTP project in Worland WY including mainline and drops. Also completed a 6 mile reinforcement of fiber

Various projects ranging from new construction of fiber and copper plant to reroutes and cable moves.


Completed over 100 miles of FOC plant during several construction seasons for FTTP program upgrade.


Installation of 8" water line using directional bore method.

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